Going back to the old fashioned way of getting sweet treats this year? With the cancellation of many community events this season, more families will be turning to traditional trick-or-treating.
Deputies are conducting extra patrols in neighborhoods this weekend to ensure everyone has a safe and fun time celebrating. Please remember the following safety tips as you and your children head out for a night of spooky sights (or sites).
- As the dark of night seems to be happening earlier in the evening, please remember to carry flashlights and wear reflective clothing or glow sticks.
- We recommend checking all Halloween candy to ensure packaging is intact and has not been contaminated before consuming. If it looks sketchy, please throw it out.
- Adults: chat with your children about stranger danger. Children should never approach a home alone or go inside if invited.
- When walking, walk along the shoulder against traffic if sidewalks are not available.
- Driving? Choose boos, not booze this holiday. Even one drink can impair your driving abilities. Remember, zero tolerance: it’s sober or slammer. Driving impaired is never acceptable.
- Map out a safe route so you’ll know where your older children will be. Remind them not to take shortcuts through alleys, backyards or playing fields.
- Prevent tragedies: don’t drive distracted. Many families will be out on the roads this weekend.
- If possible, while practicing physical distancing and COVID-19 safety precautions, stay in small groups during your outing.
- Handing out candy? Keep trick-or-treaters and your walkway illuminated with safe (not open-flame) lighting options.
- It’s true, TPing someone’s home can get you in trouble. Don’t trespass, opt for less tricks and more treats.
- Eat lots of candy. Chocolate is the best.
Happy Halloween from your friends at the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department.