Make a sober designated driver part of your Super Bowl game plan

As Super Bowl LIII quickly approaches, I’d like to remind football fans that designated drivers are the best defense against the dangers of drunk driving. Super Bowl Sunday is a festive night across the country, but if your night involves alcohol, plan for a sober ride home. Even one drink can impair judgement. You should […]

Tax season can ring in new scams

Year-end tax documents are starting to arrive in your mailbox. That means tax scam season is also here. Tax refund fraud and scams are expected to cost Americans billions of dollars this year. Unfortunately that dollar amount has gone up in recent years, according to the Internal Revenue Service. In addition to tax return fraud, […]

Don’t make it easy for a thief to steal your wheels

In the United States, a vehicle is stolen every 41 seconds, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. Stolen cars, vans, trucks and motorcycles cost victims time and money—and increase everyone’s insurance premiums. They’re also often used to commit other crimes. Here are some easy ways you and your family can reduce your chances […]

Be safe on two wheels

Whether it’s for leisure, commuting or exercise, people choose to ride bicycles daily across Lexington County. And much like drivers, bicyclists have a responsibility to stay alert while traveling. This choice could mean the difference between life, serious injury, or death for yourself or those around you. As a cyclist, always ride distraction-free and pay […]