
Did you know that singing birthday card you got for your last birthday has more computing power than the entire world did at the end of World War II?

While technological advances are amazing and are changing our world, there is another side of the coin as well. Technology can, at times, outpace our awareness of its dangers.

Most people are aware of the benefits of technology but remain unaware of the problems technology brings until it’s already a serious problem. These problems include identity theft, hacking, cyberbullying and more. In a lot of cases, these crimes have cost people everything they have. In other, more extreme, cases…it’s cost them their lives.

The best defense against these dangers is awareness and education. For example, computer hacking would almost never occur if users kept software and hardware up-to-date with the latest security patches.

I’ll share more in next week’s edition of my blog about the real life precautions you should take if you buy or sell items online.

If your church, civic group or business is interested in a computer safety and awareness seminar, we offer these programs for free. For more information, call 803-785-8230 and ask to speak to a member of our Community Action Team.