Now that the time has changed and spring weather is here, you might be ready to get your bicycle ready for the road. Maybe your children are ready to take off on their own bike.

Before riding, make sure you, your family and the bikes are ready for a safe ride.

Remember, bicycles are vehicles and have just as much right to be on the roads as cars and trucks. When you ride in the street, obey all traffic signs, signals and lane markings. Ride on the right in the same direction as other vehicles. Go with the flow – not against it.

Whether daytime, dawn, dusk, bad weather, or at night, making yourself visible to others should be a priority. Wear neon, fluorescent or other bright colors when riding, to be most easily seen. Wear something that reflects light, such as reflective tape or markings, or flashing lights. Remember, just because you can see a driver doesn’t mean the driver can see you.

Make sure you use verbal and non-verbal communication. This includes eye contact with drivers, turn signals, pointing to road hazards for bicyclists behind you, and stating “passing on your left,” or “on your left.”

Road hazards are something we look out for while driving vehicles, but they become more important on a bicycle. Look for hazards such as potholes, broken glass, gravel, puddles, leaves and dogs. All these hazards can cause a crash.