How to protect your online identity, reputation

Cyber crooks steal your identity and ruin your good name by taking out expensive loans, opening credit card accounts and writing bad checks. One annual estimate calculates identity theft hurt 8.9 million Americans and cost each victim an average of $6,383. That adds up to $56.6 billion in damages from identity theft alone. Using many […]

Preventing crime goes online

Cyber crime affects all of us and comes in all shapes and sizes. Cyber scam artists drown us with spam– unwanted email that fills up our inboxes offering everything from cheap drugs, pornography, investment advice and get-rich-quick scams. Up to 80 percent of all emails are worthless junk that wastes your time or, if you […]

Keeping violence out of the workplace

Violence in the workplace takes many forms, from raised voices and profanity or sexual harassment to threats, coercion, or intimidation to robbery or homicide. Many of us think workplace violence is all about disgruntled employees and active shooters. More commonly, it is a robbery gone awry. With proper planning, an employer can prepare the workplace […]

Crime prevention at work

When we go to our place of employment, it’s important to keep your guard up against crime and those who might do you and your co-workers harm. These are some common trouble spots at a workplace and some things to consider as you do your part to create a safe workplace: Reception area – Is […]