Could your house be ‘bumped?’

Thieves have caught on to an increasingly popular technique called “bumping.” It is easier than traditional lock picking, which requires manipulating the pins inside the lock with small tools. All that is needed for bumping is a “bump key” that is specially manipulated to pick the lock without other tools. This is a huge problem […]

Call the right play for the Super Bowl

Football fans across the country will celebrate America’s most watched national sporting event, Super Bowl LI, on Sunday, Feb. 5. For many, the celebration will include drinking alcohol. That’s why we’re reminding all football fans to call the right play this Super Bowl weekend by passing the keys to a sober driver before the drinking […]

Devices can protect your car from theft

I often share with you on my blog about how you can help us. I do so because I know that when we work together to improve our community, it becomes that much safer and that much more of a great place to live and raise a family. In this week’s blog entry, I want […]

5 tips to keep your child safe on a bike

If you went out and about on Christmas, or even looked out your window, you probably saw a child riding a new bicycle he’d found beside the tree that morning. Christmas morning is often the start of a fun activity that’s also beneficial from a physical fitness standpoint. But bike riding comes with some dangers […]