Honoring those who work in corrections

Just as President Ronald Reagan did 33 years ago with a presidential proclamation, I’d like to use my space for this week’s Sheriff’s Blog entry to call upon you to recognize the contributions of the correctional officers of our county. This week is National Correctional Officers and Employees Week. We’re marking the occasion with special […]

Keeping our motorcyclists safe

May is designated National Motorcycle Awareness Month. With many of our county and state residents owning motorcycles, it’s important to be aware of their presence while on the roads. How many times have you driven a frequent route only to arrive at your destination without realizing it? It’s easy to operate on autopilot, especially after […]

Reserve deputies give their time to serve you

Next week is National Volunteer Week. I applaud anyone who believes in a cause or organization enough to give their time, talent and resources to take part in the work that’s being done. I’d like to tell you about a group of people who I see as the ultimate volunteers. Reserve deputies have a vital […]

Keeping social media safe

“Let me snap that.” “I’m going to tweet this selfie.” You’ve probably heard these phrases from your children or other students in and around our community. They’re from the world of social media. Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are the most well-known social media sites. There are many others out there that very few of […]